11 to 14 years old


Ages 11 to 14 / Y7-Y9

A whole new world awaits the students as they go from being the eldest at primary to the youngest at secondary. There are no formal national exams for students in secondary, but they will be assessed on a regular basis through a range of different methods including tests, course work and teacher observation.

Our teachers set expectations for every student and plan work that stretches and challenges our young learners. Appropriate assessments are held and targets set which are realistic to each child and each year group. These in turn encourage aspiration and support their success both in school and in later life.

Years 7, 8 and 9 - our middle school

We offer a full curriculum which is balanced and broadly based. Our AIS curriculum often extends beyond the classroom, encompassing and promoting the moral, cultural, mental and physical development of students whilst in school and when in society.

Core subjects include:






Information and Communication Technology

Modern Foreign Languages



Physical Education


PSHE & Mindfulness

A Balanced Curriculum

At this and at every age, AIS aims to help children experience success in a wide range of endeavours. We have high academic standards but also make plenty of room on the timetable for Art, Music, Drama and Sport so all pupils can discover the area where they really shine. We also prioritise PSHE and Mindfulness to ensure that we keep building pupils' self-esteem, confidence and emotional intelligence.

We also ensure that there are plenty of opportunities, during lunchtime and after school for pupils to take part in clubs and develop outside interests. We encourage pupils to take on new responsibilities, aiding the development of independence, problem solving, decision making and confidence.

Preparation for iGCSE's

Towards the end of year 9, students will be given guidance and taster sessions regarding the following year's iGCSE options. Parents and students will be made aware of the iGCSE subjects and, with advice when needed, can choose which options to take alongside the core subjects required.

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11 to 14 years old