Cross Country 2023
May 29, 2023

This year’s cross country was brilliant to watch.

From the sidelines I witnessed the entire student body and most of the teachers take part. It was so heartening to see students helping and supporting one another; it made the entire event a success.

The school was also proud to host Aljezur International School who were kind enough to bring their best runners along to compete against ours.

Here’s what Marian, one of the PE teachers who helped to organise the event, had to say about it all:

This year's cross country event was a big success. For the first time ever, all year groups competed in the event. The excitement in the lead up to the run was immense as students from all year groups trained passionately in the PE lessons to not only compete in the inter-house cross country event, but also against the Aljezur international school. The success in this particular competition of our students sparked their excitement for our inter-school event even more, resulting in amazing performances throughout.

We are very grateful for the support the students got from their families and friends cheering for them around the track. Even more grateful are we to have witnessed how students from across the age spectrum supported each other, proving how strong their connections are and how positive our school spirit really is.

We are already looking forward to hosting the next inter-house event!

- Marian Dohm
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